Friday, August 25, 2017
gradle command
### task一覧 ``` ./gradlew tasks [--all] ``` ### run test (Unit Test) ``` ./gradlew test ``` debugだけ ``` ./gradlew testDebugUnitTest ``` ### run androidTest (Instrumentation Test) ``` ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest ``` debugだけ ``` ./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest ``` ### projectの依存関係を表示する ``` ./gradlew -q dependencies app:dependencies --configuration compile ```
memory usage on ubuntu
Ubuntuのメモリ使用状況の見方について サーバ触らなすぎていつも忘れるのでメモっておく ## free メモリの使用状況を表示(単位はKB) ``` $ free total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3521664 3183148 338516 292 135528 1904476 -/+ buffers/cache: 1143144 2378520 Swap: 2097148 488 2096660 ``` * Mem: * total 実メモリの全容量 * used 実メモリの使用容量 * free 実メモリの空き容量 * shared 共有メモリ容量 * buffers バッファメモリ容量 厳密には違うけどページキャッシュと大体同じ * cached ページキャッシュメモリ容量 * -/+ buffers/cache: * used = used - buffers - cached **キャッシュ以外で実際に使っている使用容量** * free = free + buffers + cached **キャッシュを含めた空き容量** * Swap: * total swapの全容量 * used swapの使用容量 * free swapの空き容量 見るべきところはキャッシュを計算した後の値 used = 1143144 = 1.1GB free = 2378520 = 2.4GB Swap はメモリ上であまり使われなくなったデータがファイルに退避されたものなのであんまり気にしなくて良い ### 各メモリについて * 共有メモリ 複数のプログラムが同時並行的にアクセスするメモリ * ページキャッシュメモリ ファイルのページをキャッシュするメモリ * バッファメモリ 厳密には違うけどページキャッシュと大体同じ ## 参考 * free, vmstat コマンドについて * free の見方 * バッファ、ページキャッシュの違い
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Use custom cask settings
強制的に独自の cask の設定を使用する時のメモ ## Prepare repository を作成し対象の cask を作成する ## Install 下記のコマンドを代わりに実行する ``` # brew install caskroom/cask/android-sdk brew cask install fiahfy/fix/android-sdk ```
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Gym error "Locating signing assets failed."
Xcode9 で match の app_identifier に複数設定すると gym で Provisioning profile をうまく使ってくれない `Fastfile` ``` match( type: "appstore", username: "xxxxx", app_identifier: [ "yyyyy", "zzzzz", ], ) ``` log ``` 2017-08-02 10:24:21.934 xcodebuild[2839:15197] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed:
: Error Domain=IDEDistributionSigningAssetStepErrorDomain Code=0 "Locating signing assets failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Locating signing assets failed., IDEDistributionSigningAssetStepUnderlyingErrors=( : ``` 1つずつ指定すればOK(微妙 ``` match( type: "appstore", username: "xxxxx", app_identifier: "yyyyy", ) match( type: "appstore", username: "xxxxx", app_identifier: "zzzzz", ) ```
match error "Provisioning profile 'xxxxx' is not available on the Developer Portal"
### pattern 1 ``` [08:23:25]: Provisioning profile 'xxxxx' is not available on the Developer Portal [08:23:25]: for the user yyyyy [08:23:25]: Make sure to use the same user and team every time you run 'match' for this [08:23:25]: Git repository. This might be caused by deleting the provisioning profile on the Dev Portal : [08:23:27]: To reset the provisioning profiles of your Apple account, you can use the `fastlane match nuke` feature, more information on ``` 上記のエラーが出て Provisioning profile の作成ができなくなった場合 `force: true` で強制的に上書きできる ``` match( type: "development", readonly: false, force: true, app_identifier: [ "zzzzz", ] ) ``` ### pattern 2 ``` [10:06:45]: Installing provisioning profile... [10:06:46]: Provisioning profile 'xxxxx' is not available on the Developer Portal for the user yyyyy, fixing this now for you 🔨 : [10:06:46]: Starting login with user 'yyyyy' Available session is not valid any more. Continuing with normal login. [10:06:48]: Successfully logged in [10:06:48]: Fetching profiles... [10:06:49]: Verifying certificates... [10:06:49]: No existing profiles found, that match the certificates you have installed locally! Creating a new provisioning profile for you [10:06:51]: Creating new provisioning profile for 'xxxxx' with name 'match Development xxxxx' for 'ios' platform [10:06:52]: An error occurred while verifying your certificates and profiles with the Apple Developer Portal. [10:06:52]: If you already have your certificates stored in git, you can run `fastlane match` in readonly mode [10:06:52]: to just install the certificates and profiles without accessing the Dev Portal. [10:06:52]: To do so, just pass `readonly: true` to your match call. Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane... Found no similar issues. To create a new issue, please visit: Run `fastlane env` to append the fastlane environment to your issue [!] Apple provided the following error info: There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit. Multiple profiles found with the name 'match Development xxxxx'. Please remove the duplicate profiles and try again. ``` まず 管理ユーザに `App Manager` or `Admin` 権限があるかどうか確認 問題なければ Dev Portal 上の該当 profile を削除してから再度作成する ``` match( type: "development", readonly: false, app_identifier: [ "zzzzz", ] ) ``` ## 参考 *
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